Executive Committee

Fellow Lead

Rizwan Sheikh

Currently, Plastic Surgery Fellow at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and at The Northern Hospital. Having successfully completed my PRS training from South Africa, I am looking forward to work jointly with colleagues in Australasia and share my experience in PRS and enthusiasm for evidence based research . As a result, I aspire, as a Fellow Lead, to strengthen the foundations of practice in PRAS with the much needed Evidence through conducting clinical trials.

SET Lead

Andrew Lewandowski

I am the current SET trainee lead for ACTPRAS. In this role I aim to improve the awareness of trainees and unaccredited registrars to the opportunities to perform collaborative research in Plastic Surgery not only across Australasia but with units from the United Kingdom and Netherlands as well. I have a passion for matching people with common research goals and have gained experience from local state collaborative projects to my Research Higher Degree - a joint Dermatology, Surgical and Laboratory based research project.

Pre-SET Lead

Guy Stanley

I am service registrar at Royal Darwin Hospital. My research focuses on burns. My background is in computing. I was involved with the UK's Reconstructive Trials Network and StarSurg initiatives as a medical student, which gave me a thirst to combine big data, trainee research and plastics. I am fortunate to be able to combine my interests through ACTPRAS and hope to continue collaborating with colleagues in the UK and developing nations.

Student Lead

Cody Frear

I am a 4th year MD-PhD candidate at the University of Queensland. My research focuses on the acute management of paediatric burn injuries. As a student representative, I have extensive experience organising campaigns aimed at fostering interest in clinical science among Australia's passionate community of future and junior doctors. In my role as the Medical Student Lead, I am eager to continue engaging with medical students to promote their involvement in the development & pursuit of meaningful research.

Sub-speciality Lead

Michael Findlay

My research focuses on translational stem cell and tissue engineering research including clinical trials of new technologies, interventions and procedures. Australasia has a strong tradition of leadership within Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Research. ACTPRAS seeks to leverage this expertise across Australasia to support, participate and lead collaborative multi-centre research both within Australasia and with partner organisations internationally. My role is to help facilitate this process, based on my experience with similar programs overseas within North America and Europe.

Network Division


Logistics Division


Education Division
